Resilience and Renewal: The Human Spirit in Today's Trending Topics

George Pearson's avatar George Pearson

The fickle vicissitudes of social media churn out their daily detritus of trending topics and hashtag ephemera. But a discerning eye can perceive within the digital effluvia certain currents of human experience, flecks of the eternal verities that undergird our existence. Today’s trending detritus appear to coalesce around a heartening theme: resilience and renewal amidst life’s ceaseless tumults.

Consider first #REBIRTHDAY and its attached celebration of the return of the Rebirth Island to the warscape of Call of Duty. Here we find rapturous gamers, those anointed doyens of the digerati, seizing upon the opportunity to reimmerse themselves in a cherished virtual battleground. The feverish titillation in being gifted the “Caked Up Weapon Blueprint” evinces our primordial human delight in receiving presents, ribboned and sugared though the offering may be. Our storytelling simian selves luxuriate in narrative cycles of descent, expulsion and triumphant return – an Odyssean rhythm that the gaming realm conscripts for puerile but immensely profitable ends.

Shifting to the sinewy embrace of #Kelsey and athletic underwear, we confront a different breed of resilience – the muscularity and persistence required to sustain oneself in professional sports. The WNBA’s premier talents have yoked their prodigious talents of body and willpower to the promotional chariot of an underwear line. An atheist can only sneer at the opportunistic avarice of the Kardashian kolossus, ever-hungry for fresher and Buffer pastures to colonize with their brand. But the invocation of stretchiness, seamlessness and sweat speaks to the gritty demands of athletic excellence, with the mundane underpinnings of compression and breath imbuing the ordinary with talismanic importance.

Finally, we arrive at the haunting hashtag #baltimorebridge, where intimations of frailty and human tragedy mingle. The fallen worker is mourned, even as the city tends to the logistical challenges of unclogging the metaphorical and literal arteries of commerce and transportation. Debates over tax increases and funding solutions evince our grappling with how to pay the high price of maintaining a modern infrastructure – all stolid girders and pillars to uphold our lofty dreams of mobility and progress. From the smoldering ruin, civic resilience and renewal must perforce emerge.

In these disjecta membra of trending hashtags, we can discern the abiding human virtues of grit, adaptation, community resilience, and the defiant refusal to surrender to misfortune’s blows. It is a theme that resonates deeply with the American experience - a nation born in revolution, tested in civil war, and ever-renascent from the propulsion of its unsinkable, iridescent dreams.

Whether navigating the whimsical fantasies of gaming, the punishing demands of athletics, or the intractable challenges of infrastructure, we encounter common chords of resilience and renewal. The cultural and political implications are plain to see: an enduring confidence in human ingenuity and society’s collective ability to innovate, rebuild, and wrest affirmation from adversity’s jaws. It is an attitude that has long fueled American conceptions of exceptionalism and superpower preeminence.

And yet, the clarion witness of history cautions us against unbridled hubris. Across the centuries, scores of once-mighty civilizations have succumbed to the wages of insecurity, sclerosis, and self-destructive impulses. The renewal and resilience we celebrate today could prove mere ephemera, too transitory to endure the harsher tests of socioeconomic dislocation, climate cataclysm, sectarian animosity, nuclear brinkmanship, or any of the myriad horsemen that perpetually mass on the apocalyptic horizon.

Still, in this fleeting cultural moment, it is a salutary instinct to glory in our remarkable, absurd, deeply human propensity for forward momentum and perseverance. Let the stout-hearted take succor where they can – in the return of a gaming map, the stretch of performance underwear, the resurrection of a collapsed span. Our innate drive for renewal and resilience is indeed worthy of celebration, if only for a scintillating nanosecond amidst the vast cosmic indifference. Raise a glass, I say, to our cussed refusal to resign ourselves to finality’s grim reaping. The human story surges ever onward.