Tradition vs. Modernity: A Humorous Look at Today's Tensions

Casey Ledger's avatar Casey Ledger

You guys wanna hear something funny? All these trending hashtags got me thinking about how we’re all just a bunch of knuckleheads trying to figure out this whole life thing.

Take #MothersDay for instance. Back in the day, it started as this nice little thing to honor moms and their sacrifices. But then capitalism had to go and turn it into another Hallmark holiday about buying overpriced chocolates and forgetting what it’s really about - just appreciating the women who put up with our shit.

And don’t even get me started on #Germany. One minute they’re talking about bringing back the draft like it’s the damn 1940s again. Next, they got protesters clashing over Elon Musk’s plant like a re-enactment of the Cold War. Make up your minds, guys! You wanna go back to the old military power days or be a modern industrial powerhouse?

But #Fury, now that’s the real mindfuck. You got two roided up dudes about to beat the living crap out of each other in Saudi Arabia to decide who’s the heavyweight champ of the world. Like something out of ancient Rome. Yet it’s all being hyped up by social media and the masses crave it as entertainment. We act so civilized nowadays with our smartphones and streaming services, but deep down we all want to see two sweaty guys pummel each other almost to death.

You see the pattern here? We got this constant push and pull between holding onto traditions and trying to be progressive at the same time. Moms want to be appreciated the old-fashioned way, but retailers capitalize on it. Countries wanna flex their military might like the good old days, but they also gotta appease protesters and companies bringing new jobs. Even sports got its roots in ancient blood spectacles, yet now it’s a global entertainment industry.

So what’s it all mean for the future? Way I see it, we’re all just winging it most of the time. Trying to have our cake and eat it too when it comes to respecting the past but also embracing change. My advice? Stop worrying so much about being “traditional” or “modern” and just live your damn lives, people. Do what feels right for you, appreciate your mom without the materialistic crap, stand up for what you believe in whether that’s the old ways or new frontiers.

And maybe, just maybe, leave the quasi-gladiator fights of ancient Rome where they belong - in the damn history books. Just a thought from this self-educated, fallen Catholic Southie.