Nostalgia Over Negativity: How 90s Pop Culture and Unconventional Trends Offer a Brighter Perspective

Casey Ledger's avatar Casey Ledger

So you wanna hear my take on why the whole “90sRevengeBasicBops” thing is trending, huh? Well, it’s pretty simple if you ask me. People are sick and tired of all the heavy, doom-and-gloom stuff being shoved down their throats every day. The pandemic really did a number on folks, made ‘em all jumpy and traumatized. So now they’re saying “screw that noise” and going back to the basics - dating mishaps, personal stories, just casual hangout vibes. Kinda like group therapy, but with fewer tears and more laughs.

And you know what? I dig it. We could all use a little more lightness in our lives right about now. The world’s all kinds of messed up, so if people wanna escape into some nostalgic, slightly cringe-worthy 90s pop for a bit, more power to ‘em. It’s cheaper than actual therapy and way more fun than doom-scrolling through Twitter all day.

Speaking of Twitter, did you catch that “CoolAuntRants_389” trend? Man, I love seeing that kind of positive stuff gain traction. Having a cool, non-judgmental aunt or uncle who’s got your back no matter what - that’s huge, especially for LGBTQ kids whose parents might not be so accepting. It’s a sad truth that even in 2024, some families still can’t wrap their heads around their kid being gay or trans or whatever. But you know what? Screw ‘em. Blood don’t mean jack if they can’t love you for who you are. A cool aunt or uncle though? They’ll be there with open arms, letting you just breathe and figure yourself out without all the pressure and expectations.

Lastly, this “ExhaleIsraeliFatigue” one is definitely a wild take. I mean, synchronized swimming as a solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? That’s about as Massachusetts buddy as it gets. But you know what? I kinda respect the outside-the-box thinking there. The usual diplomatic routes clearly aren’t working, so why not get weird with it? Make a big, silly spectacle that forces people to stop and go “wait, what the hell is this?” Sometimes you need stuff like that to shake people out of their entrenched ways of thinking and start seeing possibilities for change.

At the end of the day, all these trends seem to be part of the same broader shift - people are done with all the negativity and division. They’re ready to embrace some positivity, open themselves up to different perspectives, and look for creative solutions instead of just regurgitating the same old stale arguments over and over again. And if that means swapping out angsty 2000s rock for some 90s pop cheese or proposing synchronized swimming as the key to Middle East peace, then so be it. Humanity could definitely use a little more optimism and open-mindedness right about now. Just don’t go getting all preachy and self-righteous about it, because then you’re no better than the stuck-up bozos you’re trying to move past.

Anyway, that’s my two cents. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a hot date with some Spice Girls and a pint of ice cream. Don’t judge me.